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The beginning, establishment and legacy.

Once the paintings were made and a mark was put, a group took birth that went by the name of CREATIVE TEAM. And it was then, when we came to know about that one event Gramiksha held up, that was to paint the walls for a social cause. It was 15th August and they were taking team registrations for filling in a graffiti over the school's outline. And we took that up. But then arrived the real dilemma, the group name. So the suggestions began and crossing through the long lists of names like, creative spark, graffiti squad, and what not, no, I didn't reach the name, but a movie! Avengers age of Ultron ! And there when I saw Jarvis handling the iron legion, I thought of making a legion of my own. Actually, that particular word, really got me and when I searched about it and found that IT WAS A BIG GROUP OF PEOPLE, DOING SOMETHING REMARKABLY TOGETHER, I decided, ART LEGION. And that feeling, ask me if i still remember it. And it was that feeling that made me see, that it's a start of something much bigger than what I was expecting. And that was the first time, we signed up as a team, The Art Legion. Now there, we went as group of 7 people, where they assigned us a total number of three walls. And since it was our first event outside the college, our nervousness equaled our excitement. However, we kept doing that one thing, that really made us happy, that was making bonds over some art together. And then ultimately, when the thing ended, the outcome came out to be something like nothing, the something that makes us look with the same awe even when we view it today, outside that school. To sum up the whole day in just three words, the historic day was a seed of, Beginning, establishment and legacy.

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©2016 by The Art Legion. 

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